1444 MANUSCRIPTS IN SANSKRIT, KHOTANESE, AND KUCHEAN [App. F Kha. i. 63. Two frs, of PothI fols., both in Khotanese and Upright Gupta, but of different Pdthfs and in different hands: (i) large, much damaged fr., with remains of string- hole, and 5 II. large writing. Text unknown. 8^x2**. (2) minute fr., with remains of 4 11. ij'xif*. No. 210, Hoernle Reg. Kha. L 69. a. Fr. of Poth! foL in Khotanese and Upright Gupta; remains of 5 11. writing. Text unknown. No. 214, Hoernle Reg. 3* x 2 J*. Kha. L 70, Twelve minute frs. of PothI in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. Paper soft and somewhat rotten. No* 216, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i, 73. b. Four frs. of PothI in Khotanese and Up- right Gupta; small, narrow oblong, with 3 11. writing; all from L. side, with fol. Nos. 15, 40 (or 60?), and a third illegible (ro ?). No. 218, Hoernle Reg. Width i J*. Kha. i. 73. b. Fr. of inscr. wood, apparently from covering board of PothI, found with fr. in No. 217. Frs. of large script Pothi still stick "to it. No. 218, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 74* a* Four small frs. of 4 Pothls, with writing in four different sizes, in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. No. 219, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 79. a. Thirteen frs. of 5 PSthls in Khotanese and in different-sized Upright Gupta scripts. No. 226, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i* 82. a. Thirteen frs. of 6 Pothls in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. Paper of each of six is of a different colour and texture. Seven frs. minute. No. 235, Hoernle Keg. Kha, i. 86. a. Two frs. of fols. of two Pothls in Khotan- ese and Upright Gupta, (i) From bottom of fol., with remains of 3 11. showing the verse Nos. 6 and 8. 3i*x i£*. (2) With remains of 2 IL, also from bottom of foL, paper of different colour and texture, 2*xi*. No. 238, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 89. a. Initial fol. of Pothi, practically complete, with 6 11. writing in Skr. and Upright Gupta ; the blank rev. inscr. with 5 11. writing in Khotanese language and Cursive Gupta script. Much of writing washed out by damp and illegible ; paper coarse, hard, and stiff. Skr. text refers to Parinirvanju No. 241, Hoernle Reg, Kha. i. gi. a. Five frs, of PothI fols, ; from L. tide of leaf, with the consecutive No*. 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 ; and two minute frs. from middle of leaf ; with 5 II. writing in Kho- tanese and Upright Gnpta, T>e existing width being 3j*, the full width must have been 7* with 8 11. writing. Paper very coarse and thin. Abo fir. from middle of foL of another Pothl, on coarse but thicker paper; with remains of 4 IL No. 245, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 92. m. Five frs. of 3 Pethfe in KhoUnese and Upright Gupta, incL fr. from L. end, with No, S8, and $ & writing; on dark, coarse, tlack paper. 3*XaJ* {fall wkfcfa). No. 347, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 95. su Six frs. of 3 P6this in Khotanese and Upright Gupta, different sixes, a&d on different paper. No, 25$, Hoernle Reg* Kha. i. 97. a. Fr. of Poth! fol., flimsy paper, with 6 11. large writing in Kho:anese and Upright Gupta; only one or two Aksaras in each line. No. 259, Hoernle Reg. ij* x 4j*. Kha. i. 99. Two small frs. of fols. of 2 Pothfe in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. No. 263, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. ico. a, 105. a, 180. Four small frs. of fols. of 2 Pothls in Khotanesa and Upright Gupta. No. 264, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 101. Two small frs. of PothI fols. in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. No. 266, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 103. Five small frs. of fols. of 2 Pothls in Khoianese and Upright Gupta. No. 268, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 103-4. Large fr. of PothI fol. (2 pieces joined), with remains of 7 II. writing in Khotanese and Upright Gupta; very coarse, stiff, dirty paper. No. 269, Hoernle Reg. 6Tx6i*. Kha. i. 107. Two small frs. from PothI fol. in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. Large script and widely spaced lines. One fr. from L. end with remains of 4 11., the other from lower side, with remains of 5 11. The two pieces stitched to- gether, though they do not really adjoin, or give a consecutive text. No. 272, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. 108. a. T\vo frs. of fols. of large Pothi in Kho- tanes-e and 'Upright Gupta; both from L. end. One with fol. No. 13, string-hole,and remains of 5 11. writing; the other with fol. No. 77 (much faded) and remains of 4 11. No. 273, Hoernle Reg. 8|* x 3^* and 3f * x 2 J*. TCfrg- i. 109. a. Sixteen frs. of 2 Pothls in Kholanese. and Upright Gupta: (i) 15 frs. on very flimsy, coarse paper, much damaged and almost illegible; (2) one fr. on thicker paper, of another Pothi. No. 275, Hoernle Reg. Kha. i. no. Fr. of Pothi fol., R. end; with 4 11. writing in Khotanese and Upright Gupta. Large piece torn OUL No. 277, Hoernle Reg. 5i*X2£-r, Kha. i. m, 112. a. Three frs. of documents, paper, in Kholanese and Cursive Gupta: remains on obv. (i) of 3 11., (2) of 6 11., (3) of i 1. Rev. blank. No. 278, Hoernle. Reg, Gr.M. 5r*3*- Kha. i. 115, Four frs. of 3 Pothls in Khotanese and Upright Gupta, incl. two frs. from middle of two fols., with remains of 5 11.; string-hole lost; hence full length about 12*. Sf* x 3j* (full width). No. 280, Hoemle Reg. Kha. i. H7« a. Minute fr. of PothI foL, R. lower corner; preserving only the Nos. 4 and 5 on obv., and 6, 7 on rev., as finals of respective lines. No. 282, Hoemle Reg, Kha. i. 1x9. One complete PothI fol, and four frs. in Khotanese and Upright Gupta, inch : (i) Complete fbt.,JNfo* 29, with 5 II. writing; on obv. IL 2-4, name a series of Sgpaste (orjasfa); i if* x 2f*. (2) FoL nearly complete, slightly mutilated at both ends, with loss of fol. No.; coarse brown paper, with 5 11. much rubbed and almost illegible; 12* x 3j*. (3) L. side of foL with No. 71 and string-bole, with 6 IL; 44* x a§*. (4) L. half of foL 33, with string-feole and 511. krge writing; &* x 3^". (5) Minute fr. of flimsy paper, with 2 11. large, almost illegible writing. No. 285, Hoernle Reg. Kha* L 1*4. Four small frs. of a or 3 Pothls in Kho-